Friday 8 March 2013

Tráfico to allow 130kph on motorways but limit to 50kph on some secondary roads

Radar detectors to be forbidden · Taxi drivers to use belts and all kids in back seat · And more
MADRID The traffic authorities (DGT, Dirección General de Tráfico) has thoroughly revised some of its regulations, according to a draft bill presented earlier this week. These include raising speed limits from 120 kph to 130 on some sections of motorways and toll roads, as well as lowering limits in some city areas and secondary roads. Limits on conventional roads such as dual carriageways and other secondary roads will be reduced variously to 90kph, 70kph or even 50, depending on the width of the road. (A more detailed article will soon be available on - but we will be expanding this one on Wednesday, so WATCH THIS SPACE!)

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