Tuesday 8 February 2011

Scale model tests on Tarifa port expansion confirm viability

TARIFA (Agencies/Photo: EuropaSur) The project for the expansion of the port in Tarifa is in the planning stages. A scale model was built at the specialist centre in Madrid, Cedex (photo), to measure such things as currents, wave conditions, navigability, simulations on the entrance and exit of fast ferries, the effect on moored ships, all in different weather conditions. The tests have confirmed that thanks to the curvature of the proposed new facilities, the project will not impact the island off Tarifa severely. The plans for the project are awaiting their Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (Environmental Impact Declarations, or DIA) from th Environment Ministry in Madrid, after several alterations have been made since they were sent there in 2008. A total of 13 environmntal studies have been made by experts from the universities of Cádiz, Sevilla and Málaga, as well as from specialist organizations such as CIRCE (whales) and Fundación Migres (birds).

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